Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH
(Status: August 2020)
This guideline is a binding guideline for all business activities of the employees of Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH* on the one hand for the contact with business partners as well as within the company with regard to the interaction of the employees** of Hela with each other.
The aim is to strengthen the trust that our business partners have in us and to fulfil the responsibility that we have towards both our business partners and our employees. This requires that we always comply with the law and are reliable partners. Only in this way can we secure our competitiveness, employment and economic success in the long term.
In particular, Hela respects and supports compliance with internationally recognised human rights. In doing so, Hela strictly observes human rights in accordance with the UN Human Rights Charter (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Resolution 217 A (III) of the General Assembly of 10.12.1948).
Furthermore, Hela guarantees compliance with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The conventions on forced and compulsory labour of 1930 (ILO Convention 29) and on the abolition of forced labour of 1957 (ILO Convention 105) are expressly observed. Hela also observes the relevant regulations prohibiting child labour. The conventions on the minimum age for admission to employment of 1973 (ILO Convention 138) and on the prohibition and immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour of 1999 (ILO Convention 182) are observed.
Please regard this Code of Conduct as a guideline that sets binding principles and minimum standards for all Hela employees. Managers in particular have a special role model function in complying with the directive.
* hereinafter referred to as "Hela".
** Only for the sake of better legibility, the naming of female endings (e.g. employees) has been deliberately omitted in this guideline - including, of course, our female colleagues.
Table of contents
1. dealing with employees and business partners
2. combating corruption and economic crime
a) Grants
b) Donations and sponsoring
c) Conduct towards authorities and officials
3. avoidance of conflicts of interest
a) conflicts of interest arising from secondary activities
b) Potential conflicts of interest from shareholdings
c) avoidance of conflicts of interest in contracts with related parties
4. acting in accordance with this Directive
5. contact person
6. ethics hotline
7. final provisions
1. dealing with employees and business partners
All Hela employees and business partners must be treated fairly and their rights and privacy respected.
A different treatment of persons on the basis of origin, gender, race, religion, disability, age or sexual identity, which is not justified on objective and factual grounds, is to be excluded.
Hela does not tolerate any form of bullying in the workplace. Please note that Hela will not tolerate any signs of bullying, such as harassment, defamatory or unworthy treatment or spreading rumours.
Hela strongly condemns any form of sexual harassment at work and any discrimination that may be associated with it.
As a family business, Hela attaches particular importance to family life. For Hela, a family-like cooperation means an interaction that is characterised by trust, consistency, tolerance, respect, openness and politeness.
Through clear addresses, realistic expectations and feedback opportunities, we strive for a fair interaction with each other. In a pleasant working environment, our employees can play to their individual strengths and contribute to Hela's success. Flat hierarchies help us to react flexibly and quickly to market conditions.
Our customers benefit from the Hela crew. For this reason Hela promotes social competence, a sense of community and responsibility to a high degree.
Processes and working methods are openly discussed and optimised at Hela. Diverse ideas and perspectives help us to continuously improve the quality of our work and thus ensure Hela's sustainable success. We are guided here by the sentence "He who stops wanting to become better has stopped being good.
Furthermore, every employee has the right and the duty to report violations of the rules of conduct to the personnel department or to his or her superior.
2. combating corruption and economic crime
Hela does not tolerate corruption and other economic crimes and actively opposes all conceivable forms of behaviour in this context. Everything necessary is done to uncover corruption and related criminal acts and to prosecute them without distinction of person.
Corruption involves the misuse of a special position of trust or entrusted power in order to gain a material or immaterial advantage for oneself or a third party to which there is no legitimate claim. Such actions (bribery, accepting and granting bribes, accepting and granting advantages) are particularly damaging to the economy and Hela. It can have serious criminal law consequences.
a) Benefits
Hela awards contracts and obtains such contracts exclusively in compliance with legal requirements and in fair competition.
Business partners, especially suppliers, are therefore to be selected solely on the basis of fair competition and taking into account the parameters of price, quality and suitability of performance. All benefits (money, material assets, monetary benefits or other material or immaterial advantages) may not be demanded if there is no legal claim to them.
Please bear in mind that these inadmissible donations also include invitations to events, tickets and discounts, unless they are directed at all Hela employees or large parts of the workforce. Small occasional gifts, hospitality or other benefits may only be accepted within the framework of generally accepted business practices and only if they are not likely to give the impression of being able to influence business decisions.
Please note that invitations by business partners to events (e.g. sports/cultural events or seminars) and business meals are only permissible if the occasion, type, frequency and scope are in line with normal business practice, if the invitation is voluntary and within a reasonable framework.
If you receive benefits in violation of this policy, the benefits must be returned; if this is not possible or inappropriate, please consult with your supervisor to determine how to proceed. If you are in any doubt, including the value of the grant, you should discuss the matter with your supervisor for decision.
What applies to benefits for Hela employees also applies in reverse for activities with business partners and third parties.
b) Donations and sponsoring
All donations and sponsoring measures by Hela can only be made to non-profit organisations and associations or projects and their sponsors.
In principle, donations can only be made if they are not granted to recipients in which the respective employee himself or his relatives have a financial interest or are otherwise involved or otherwise receive indirect benefits.
Irrespective of the amount donated, donations require the prior consent of the respective managing director. They must be documented in every case and made transparent in an appropriate manner.
c) Conduct towards authorities and officials
Stricter requirements with regard to benefits - neither directly nor indirectly may benefits or other advantages be offered to holders of political offices and representatives of authorities or public institutions (so-called officials).
Even small attention-grabbing gifts or repeated meals together can be criminally relevant to public officials.
Against this background, any benefits that are to be offered to public officials in justified exceptional cases must always be clarified in advance with your superior.
This does not apply to investments in public limited companies as small shareholders or in public funds with a broad investment diversification. Existing investments that are subject to approval must be reported to the management.
c) Avoiding conflicts of interest in contracts with related parties
Contracts that employees conclude on behalf of Hela with related parties (e.g. spouses, spousal partners, children of their own, parents, siblings, nieces or nephews) require the prior consent of their supervisor. This also applies if such contracts are to be cancelled or amended.
Please bear in mind that the obligation to obtain approval also applies to contracts you are responsible for with companies in which persons close to you also work in a responsible capacity.
4. acting in accordance with this policy
Every employee is personally called upon to conduct himself or herself in accordance with this guideline and to become aware of his or her own responsibility.
Managers in particular have a duty to set a good example in complying with the Directive. They must implement this Code of Conduct in everyday business life and fill it with life.
Any indications of deviations from this Code of Conduct must be taken seriously and will be investigated.
Any employee who violates the provisions of this Code of Conduct must expect to face the legally possible sanctions. This applies in particular with regard to consequences under labor law.
5. contact persons
If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct or are uncertain about the correct conduct in any particular case, please seek the advice of your direct superior or the next higher level manager. Alternatively, the Ethics Officer Mr. Dirk Meyercordt will be happy to assist you.
You are also welcome to contact your works council.
6. ethics hotline
In addition, you also have the option of anonymously reporting any actions or activities you suspect or know of that may cause legal or ethical problems or violate applicable law or Company policies through our Ethics Hotline. Access to this hotline is available to the Hela Ethics Officer, who will investigate any report and inform management accordingly.
You can reach our ethics hotline at +49 (0)4102 496-444.
7. final provisions
Insofar as the employment contract or special guidelines contain more extensive regulations, these remain valid. The provisions of the respective employment contracts shall continue to apply in all other respects. Relevant company, collective bargaining and legal regulations must be observed.